
For freedom and solidarity online




Vidéo réalisée par Communautique qui aborde les notions de perceptions, d'accès, d'infrastructure et de révolution, remixée à deux entrevues avec Antoine Beaupré du Réseau Libre Montréal et Alexis Kaufman de Framasoft.

On April 7, 2014 information was released about a new vulnerability in OpenSSL, the cryptography library that powers the vast majority of private communication across the Internet. This library is key for maintaining privacy between servers and clients, and confirming that Internet servers are who they say they are.


Koumbit is again part of the Tor privacy network. We provide this service to the public in response to the increasingly pervasive surveillance of everyone who uses the internet. We believe that there have been inexcusable attacks on democracy and basic rights to privacy.

L'équipe de Koumbit est heureuse de vous souhaiter un 2014 heureux et en santé.

Voici quelques faits saillants des 12 derniers mois pour ceux et celles qui apprécient un format plus bref que notre rapport annuel.


Yes, you've come to the right place - this really is Koumbit's website! After many years of loyal service, we've retired our old site. You may have noticed the gradual evolution of Koumbit's branding materials towards a more humanistic, playful aesthetic.

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

We've all figured out by now that the future of the web is for the sites we build to be accessible on as wide a variety of platforms as possible. The magic of responsive design means that one single web page can be viewed on a large range of devices


[French Only] - Il est difficile ces temps-ci d'ignorer les récentes nouvelles au sujet de la sécurité sur Internet. Ce merveilleux outil devenu si populaire et utile serait maintenant sous surveillance massive, digne des plus horribles romans de science-fiction. Mais que se passe-t-il donc sur le réseau des réseaux?

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

The Drupal community is abuzz with talk of BackdropCMS, a recent fork of Drupal. In case you missed it, Lullabot has a great interview with "founding forkers" Jen Lampton and Nate 'quicksketch' Haug.

Press release

Montreal, March 29, 2013 - Several journalists have recently contacted Koumbit concerning the website valjalbert.ca.

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

[Updated 27 January 2014]

The sysadmins here were doing some software upgrades the other day and asked me which versions of Tomcat and Apache Solr they should install on our shared Drupal hosting servers. The answer is a little complex, so I finally just drew them a diagram.

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

[Anglais uniquement] - The two most common powerful editors for Unix, emacs and vim, both include the ability to reference a list of PHP function names so that you can jump to their definition while editing. You'll have to build the file yourself first, though, using ctags.

Les groupes sur gitlab.com et github.com servent comme point de présence à Koumbit sur cet outil non-libre. Koumbit s'oppose généralement à toute utilisation de logiciel non-libre, mais nous maintenons ceux-ci afin de collaborer de plus près avec certain-e-s de nos upstreams.

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

[French Only] - Voici en rafale quelques notions, modules et pratiques que j'aimerais partager suite à mon passage au DrupalCon Portland qui a eu lieu du 20 au 24 mai 2013. Cette année, ils ont mis un fort accent sur l'UX (expérience utilisateur) et le frontend. Beaucoup de keynotes étaient des experts en UX qui provenaient d'autres disciplines. Finalement, Drupal se met à la page!!


[French Only] Mes impressions à mon arrivée au DrupalCon Portland, qui a eu lieu du 20 au 24 mai 2013.


Got a little packet of Stone Cherry pole bean seeds with our name on it, and wondering why? We wanted to share one of our passions with you, and pique your curiousity in a different kind of social change!

The seeds are an organically raised heirloom variety of red beans that look like little cranberries.

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

[Anglais uniquement] - I recently had a problem with both devel and devel themer: neither were printing any messages to the page. When I called dpm() my debugging messages didn't show up, and when I enabled the devel themer module the "Themer info" popup wasn't appearing on any page. This small but incredibly annoying problem drove me crazy, and I couldn't immediately find a solution mentioned in the issue queues or elsewhere online. But I eventually figured out it, and here's how to fix it!

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

[Anglais Uniquement] - Recently two clients wanted to have a left-column navigation menu which the user could hide or display using a link in the primary menu, one on a site with a theme based on Omega, and another using a theme based on AdaptiveTheme

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

Today I had to do a fairly common Drupal theming task, turning a menu block into a set of inline links.

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

[Anglais uniquement] - At DrupalCamp NYC last Saturday, I gave a session on data migration using Feeds and Migrate 2.x called Getting your data into Drupal.

Technical article (Planet Drupal)

Image styles in Drupal 7 are the equivalent of Imagecache presets in Drupal 6: definitions of a namespace with one or more effects for images.


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