
For freedom and solidarity online

Announcing our Annual General Assembly (you're invited!)

Assemblée générale
Sunday, 7 December 2014 - 4:00 to 7:00

'Tis the season of annual reports and annual general assemblies. Koumbit's included! This year, we'll share our hard work including the formalisation of our partnership program; our reflections on the changing nature of our milieu and market; and introduce you to a few new faces. See you there!

Date: Sunday, December 7
Time: We'll be there to welcome you starting at 9am; the real fun starts at 10 (and lasts 'til noon!). Be sure to arrive early if you need to renew your membership. Only members in good standing can vote at the assembly.
Place: Centre Lajeunnesse, 7378 Rue Lajeunesse, Montréal, Québec H2R 2H8
On the agenda:
* Presentation of the proceedings of the 2013 assembly
* Presentation of the annual report
* Presentations from our partners:
Praxis' annual report
Symbiotic's annual report
* Financial statements from fiscal year 2013-2014
* Financial report and provisionnal budget for fiscal year 2014-2015
* Review of the 2013 - 2014 annual objectives
* Presentation of the 2014 - 2015 annual objectives
* Assignation of responsibility for the verification of financial statements
* Elections for the Board of Directors

A light breakfast, caffeinated beverages, and a nice, friendly (and free) lunch are also on the agenda. Come reflect on the year that's slipped away, and dream for the one that's already upon us! P.S. We're also looking for new people to sit on our beloved Board of Directors. The Board meets roughly six times over the course of the year to supervise Koumbit's general condition and to advise the collective on questions of strategy and administration. If that interests you, please make your interest known by email before the 1st of December - that way, we can put your name on the list of candidates before the Assemblee.

Call us

☏ +1 514 907 9494
Lun: 10h à 12h et 13h à 16h
Mar: 10h à 12h
Mer: 10h à 12h et 13h à 16h
Jeu: 10h à 12h
Mon: 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm
Tue: 10am to 12pm
Wed: 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm
Thu: 10am to 12pm

Come and See Us!

Adresse postale
Réseau Koumbit
CP 83561
Montréal CP Garnier, (QC) H2J 4E9

Nos bureaux sont situés au
1883, rue Atateken,
Montréal (Québec) H2L 3L7, Canada
Veuillez noter que nos bureaux n'ont pas de stationnement attitré.
Mailing address
CP 83561
Montréal CP Garnier, (QC) H2J 4E9

Our office is located at
1883 Atateken Street,
Montreal, Quebec, H2L 3L7, Canada
Please note that you'll need to find on-street parking.

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